June was a good month for photographing in farm country Illinois, the weather there was great. Results are some really good B&W negatives made using the 4x5, plus many rolls from the Rolleiflex. Prints to follow.
Picture is from my phone, which will make a outstanding Black and White print. Instagram has more from Illinois.
Black & White film is what I work in now using 3 different formats, 35mm 6x6 and 5x4 inch.
Darkroom work from the last few years is now posted on my website & Saatchiart. 2018 goal is to get a catalog of current photographs listed on my site: www.reinertphoto.com.
Long overdue in posting. Once again showing at the Chester County Art Association in West Chester PA. CCAA show is on till December 20th.
Vines & Facade taken in Paris is on view!
Better late than never. BIG/little Show is on till February 8th.
Chester County Arts, West Chester PA. http://goo.gl/u9WjW
My little: Verdigris Cornice with Lion's Heads...